Building Big Shoulders

In late summer of 2018, Ogilvy, whom I work with on a regular basis but hadn’t heard from in six months, invited me to lunch. No agenda specified. The hair on the back of my neck immediately went up. “WHY.” I demanded. “You’ll see,” Gabe Usadel, who’s the Ogilvy 485 Creative Director, told me. I […]

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Okoye? Okay!

Okoye sits in a space between the bonkers curviness of 19th century grotesques, and the sandblasted neutrality of 20th century models. Both extremes are nice, but there’s something to be said for neutrality with some character still in place, yeah? Yeah! Okoye’s weights are interesting: Thin to Light are almost totally monolinear. Regular to Black: […]

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Teaching Rocinante to Dance

The process of connecting Rocinante Titling to last year’s Havelock Titling was a weird one, for sure. I’m not sure why I ever intuited that the idea should expand, but something in the modularity in Havelock’s concept made me sure that there was something to look for. More Havelock, maybe? But not exactly Havelock.

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